The Future of Your Holiday and Car Hire in Spain
BAA has had control of the major London airports for over 40 years and some would say this has led to a certain level of complacency and slipping standards. From personal experience, travelling every couple of months using mainly Gatwick of all the UK airports I would say it is quite easy to think the London airports are ahead of many other smaller airports as there is generally more on offer to do, eat, shop etc. but when thinking about it I would say that the South terminal could learn a few things from the North terminal, the toilet facilities could be less than 10 minutes walk from wherever you are, the WHSmith could be expanded as the queues are always horrendous, they could add a wifi area to avoid the fact when you use the pay-as-you-go computers for the net, they are located just under the departure screens so at any one time you could have anyone reading over your shoulder as you update your facebook blog with the latest delayed time (maybe they have this already and I just haven´t found it yet...) - bearing all of this in mind, I am very interested as a regular user of Gatwick airport as to how things can be improved.
Bringing in a new owner is expected to increase the level of competition between the major London airports with each competing for trade. Fares could be cut (or at least not increased with the increase in fuel charges), better facilities could be put in the airports including a larger departure lounge in the South terminal (very valid suggestion I say!) and generally, using the airport could be made a more pleasant experience.
With a swifter operation within the airport we would enjoy travelling more and be more inclined to book that extra trip, whilst all the time thinking, now we have Simply Car Hire Spain, a fantastic company offering great deals for our car hire in Spain, it´s about time we had a great company also offering an enhanced airport experience!